What The Fat (WTF)
42min2020 MAR 12


Episode #128 Summary In this episode of What The Fat, I sit down with Christina Curp, better known as Castaway Kitchen. At 29 years old and 2 years postpartum, Cristina hit rock bottom with her health. On top of an inflammatory skin condition she had lived with for years, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, she began to experience many mystery symptoms and inflammation, Cristina took to the kitchen to find wellness. Using her culinary prowess and love of research, she began to discover the connection between her symptoms and the food she ate. This ongoing experiment birthed her blog, which is a collection of inventive, allergen-friendly, low carb, whole-food recipes that have helped her reverse autoimmune disease, lose weight, and take control of her own health and well-being. The recipes were a hit on the internet and social media and The Castaway Kitchen was born! This opened doors to writing books and prompted her enrollment in the NTA program. It's been a lot of hard work, but for Christi...
