Black History Year
34min2022 APR 25


There's a target on our back. We're not talking about individual bull's eyes. We're talking about one big, red dot aimed at us collectively by a litany of systemic and political predators blocking us from our stolen freedom. Alone, the target will engulf us, but what happens if we face down our enemy together? What happens if we look our oppressors in the face as one? This week we sit down with Hawk Newsome to talk about community, politics, and what's required of Black folks to really achieve Black liberation. Hawk Newsome is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York. In only a few years, his organization has passed seven pieces of legislation and is tirelessly working to make the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act become law. Nationally, this Bronx-made activist has hit the pavement for our people and going into the communities to serve what’s needed locally. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at BlackHis...
