Black History Year

Black History Year

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Learning your history makes you - and your people - stronger. As Black people, we know we’re left out of the history books. That the media images are skewed. That we need access to experts, information and ideas so we can advance our people. Black History Year connects you to the history, thinkers, and activists that are left out of the mainstream conversations. You may not agree with everything you hear, but we’re always working toward one goal: uniting for the best interest of Black people worldwide. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation’s largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at

Though Season 5 has come to an end, these conversations can't stop as we continue fighting for Black liberation. At PushBlack, we never stop talking. Today on Black History Year, we’re featuring an episode from PushBlack’s Instagram Live series, a show where PushBlack team members have tough but candid discussions that we as a community need to have with each other. Tune in as Jareyah, Brooke, and Tabitha discuss an issue targeting Black America: fatphobia. Remember to join the conversations, the community, and to never stop talking. See you next season. Peace. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most people do 5 or 10 bucks a month, but everything makes a difference. Thanks for supporting the work. The Black History Year...

Today, we’re sifting through the Black History Year rolodex to bring you the spiritual and cultural thinking that imperialism has continuously attempted to kill. Check out the full interviews from today's highlighted guests: Escaping the Plantation with Dr. Christena Cleveland Still Alive and Still Fighting with Robert Lee Johnson The Power of Black Cooperative Economics with Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nenbhard Cultural Continuity and the Recovery of Black History with Debora Heard Black Art and Liberation with Rosalind McGary The Power of the Black Voter with Nse Ufot How to Bend Reality with adrienne maree brown God Talk and the African Roots of Faith with Dr. Anthony Browder Black History Year is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Mo...

Today’s History Story: Black Love Non-Monogamy Dianne Stewart is back to talk about Black love. We’re continuing the conversation about Deconstructing Black Love so that we can rebuild and reconnect with spirituality, heritage, and how we love ourselves and each other outside of white supremacy. In that interview, we learned a lot about love, particularly how as African descended people, love is more than romantic. It’s heritage. It's community. It’s us. Dr. Stewart is aprofessor of religion and African American studies at Emory University with a focus on religion, culture and African heritage in the Caribbean and the Americas. She’s written several books including Black Women, Black Love: America's War on African American Marriage and Three Eyes for the Journey: African Dimensions of the Jamaican Religious Experience. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up atBlackHistoryYear.comand share this with your people! PushBlack ex...

White supremacist erasure and whitewashing of Black disabled people’s voices and stories has happened for centuries now—and for centuries, too, ableists have abused our disabled ancestors. This violent erasure bleeds into our present--including in our own community. To give us more insight, we'll be talking to Anita Cameron. As a Black, disabled person, Anita has dedicated almost 40 years to community organizing and making sure that folks with disabilities have equitable rights in society. Black History Year is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most people do 5 or 10 bucks a month, but everything makes a difference. Thanks for supporting the work. The Black History Year production team includes: Tareq Alani, Brooke Brown, Shia...

Written and narrated by award-winning author and Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, “History is US” is a 6-part audio documentary produced and developed by C13Originals that asks questions about who we are as a nation, and what race might reveal about our current crisis. Through the voices of distinguished historians and scholars, this limited series gives listeners the background and education to understand how we got here and how we can all use history to clarify the choices before us. There will always be something distinct about our present day, yet history haunts. “History is US” is a presentation of Shining City Audio, a C13Originals and Jon Meacham Studio. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Today's History Story: A Black Holiday Tradition The Black struggle is real. But life isn’t all oppression. Our culture, our community, our Blackness is something to celebrate, and many of our ancestors celebrated through traditions and holidays that you might not know exist. Today's guest, Dr. Keith Mayes, will school us on the empowering history of the holidays we created. Dr. Keith Mayes is an associate professor in the Department of African American & African Studies at the University of Minnesota. With a specialty in Black history, social and political movements, race and perception, and of course Black holidays, he’s going to help us really dig into what and why we celebrate. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most...

Today's History Story: Black Barber Shops The Black barbershop is a cultural institution. It's a place where you can get much more than a haircut. You get community. You get jokes. You might get politicized. And you will get the straight talk that we often hold back when navigating a larger public that's committed to white supremacist systems. What we don't often talk about when thinking of the barbershop is it's vital role in the Black economy. To help us understand both the politics and economics of Black barber shops, we’re sitting down with Quincy Mills. Quincy is an associate professor of history at the University of Maine and College Park. He teaches courses in 20th century African-American history, particularly business and political history. He's authored, "Cutting Along the Color Line: Black Barbers and Barber Shops in America,” and is working on a new book called “The Wages of Resistance: Financing the Black Freedom Movement." BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most people do 5 or 10 bucks a month, but everything makes a difference. Thanks for supporting the work. The Black History Year production team includes: Tareq Alani, Brooke Brown, Shiavon Chapman, Abeni Jones, Briona Lamback, Zain Murdock, Tasha Taylor, and Leslie Taylor-Grover. Our producers are Cydney Smith and Sasha Kai Parker, who also edits the show. Black History Year’s executive producer is Julian Walker. NOTE: Today's history story is a fictional account of what so many Black barbershops experienced historically Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

White supremacy has systematically broken theheartof Black America. Its toxic presence has, for generations, harmed our self-concept and even how we view each other. History tells another story, though. Today’s guest is going to help us get to the heart of the matter. Dr. Dianne Stewart is a professor of religion and African American studies at Emory University. Inspired by her research and teaching inBlack love studies, much of her work examines the structural forces that, across four centuries, have made coupling and marriage difficult for Black people. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most people do 5 or 10 bucks a month, but everything makes a difference. Thanks for supporting the work. The Black History Yea...

Today's Historic Story: Ray Charles vs. Elvis Every time we hop on Twitter, Instagram, or any other social platform, we’re running into brands who use insidious tactics to get into our pockets. From "Black" CGI influencers to brands that align themselves as Black allies when they just want Black dollars, it's all digital anti-Blackness and it's causing more harm than we may know. Leading today's conversation is Dr. Francesca Sobande. She's a Senior Lecturer in Digital Media Studies at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture at Cardiff University. She’s a researcher and writer who’s authored several books and published work about “woke-washing,” digital (re) presentations of Black people, and how brands mis-use, exploit, and commercialize such notions like Black social justice activism. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we had to take this into our own hands. You make PushBlack happen with your contributions at​. Most people do 5 or 10 bucks a month, but everything makes a difference. Thanks for supporting the work. The Black History Year production team includes: Tareq Alani, Brooke Brown, Shiavon Chapman, Abeni Jones, Briona Lamback, Zain Murdock, Tasha Taylor, and Leslie Taylor-Grover. Producing the podcast we have Marcelle Hutchins and Cydney Smith, who also edits the show. Our audio engineer is Joanna Samuel. Black History Year’s executive producer is Julian Walker. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Today's Historic Story: Nearest Green No matter what laws change or how much progress they want us to believe we’re making, racism only evolves and makes it even more necessary for us to get creative in the fight for our liberation. That means, we’ve got to take back our stories. We do that toay with Dr. David Ikard. He is a professor of African American and Diaspora studies at Vanderbilt University. An award winning author of 4 books, his work centers Black issues, social justice, and the lives of Black men and boys. But Ikard isn’t just a scholar. He’s an artist too. it’s no surprise that most of his paintings relate to black folks, social justice, self-determination, nature, and the rawness of our collective humanity, he says. Check out his work online at Ikard Gallery to see for yourself. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we ha...

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