Very, Very, Quite Contrary Podcast
1h 19min2019 JUN 29


“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.” (Prov. 18:17)We (Janny & Samantha) are back at it again with our favorite topic: vaccines. This time, from a biblical perspective. Few subjects cause more controversy than vaccination - even in the church. While some church leaders have stepped out in support of vaccination, voices of opposition or concern are often ignored on the basis that "the science is settled."We believe such a complex issue warrants further discussion among believers and non-believers alike. However, regardless of where you land on the topic of vaccination, we are calling on the body of Christ to publicly support the religious freedoms that allow Christians to live in accordance with the guiding of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The freedom to opt out of all or some vaccines is one such issue.We hope this episode will provide some much needed context for this issue and prompt you to discuss this with other believers.Ep...
