The Stress Mastery Podcast: Living Right with Bill Cortright
36min2022 JUL 20


This week our topic is Up-Leveling and today’s Meeting of the Minds we are discussingthe Third Level Transition-Information Revolution that all of humanity is currently in.When we look at the state of the world which seems to be in one crisis after another wemust ask ourselves what is the reason? There is an answer, and it will not only explain thechaos we see on the news but also why we feel so overwhelmed and stressed-out. Join metoday in this discussion of the Third Wave. ________________________________________________________ RISE UP & SHIFT EVENT TICKETS HERE Join The Stress Mastery Community today for FREE!Click here to register HERE! Love the show? Tweet me a shoutout at:@Billcortright Want to sponsor episodes of The Stress Mastery Podcast? Email Bill at Mentioned in this show: Join the private Facebook Group:The Stress Mastery Podcast Subscription/SocialLinks: Subscribe oniTunes Subscribe to theThe Stress Mastery Mailing List Watch on...
