Think AnomalousUFO Disclosure? Part 1 - Tom DeLonge and AATIP
20min2021 AUG 7
A number of fans have asked me my opinion on the recent news around UFOs, and the apparent moves towards UFO disclosure on the part of the US government. I have been extremely skeptical of this “disclosure” campaign from the start, and I think it’s important that students of ufology take a critical look at these developments, and challenge some of the narratives presented. To this end, I’ve decided to do a two-part series on the disclosure campaigns of the 21st century, and how they’re not what they appear to be. This is the first of these videos, covering the work of Tom DeLonge and To The Stars Academy, as well as the revelation of the AATIP program. Special thanks to Robbie Graham for reviewing an earlier draft of this narration. Robbie is an indispensable voice in ufology, and he currently runs August Night Books, which has published some excellent titles in anomalistics. Check out their website: Support us on Patreon: Patr...