The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction for KidsTwo Heads Are Better than One
20min2016 SEP 14
Finn and the rest of the Explorers Troop 301 return to the Marlowe to find that not everyone is as excited to put all the puzzle pieces together as they are. In fact, they feel shipped off on their new mission to a beautiful, verdant planet. But not everything is as pristine and pretty as it seems at first, and the kids need to run for their lifebobs! Also on today's episode, we revealed BeeBop's expensive diet, and how you, dear listener, can help by sending in your art. Also, it's time to refill the joke bin!Send one in! Many thanks to Mark Greenberg of theMayfair Workshopfor his theme music. The outro music is called"Shiny Spaceship" by 8-Bit Ninja, and was used via Creative Commons license. Much of the background music you hear throughout was made by Visager, off hisalbum"Songs from an Unmade World 2,"also used via Creative Commons. Check them out! If you have a second, and canrate or review the show in iTunes, we would be so grateful! It really helps get the word out. The Alien...