2h 49min2022 JUL 14


Tribulation Now's First - OPEN PHONES SHOW - Call in, ask questions, and share. Join Johnny Baptist while he discusses the empirical events across the world leading up to World War III, the trickery and deceit of the New World Order, and the bizarre weirdness of the fallen angelic UFO phenomenon as we plunge head first into the forthcoming apocalypse and the Seven Seals of Revelation (chapter 6). Endless Topics - fallen angels, extraterrestrials, new world order, galactic federation of light, aliens, demons, ufos, ancient aliens, angel wars, luciferian rebellion, satan, devil, angels, Jesus, Yeshua, rapture, rapture of the Bride, apocalypse, Bible, Prophecies, Bible prophecies, Fema Camps, planet x, nibiru, annunaki, nuclear war, global thermonuclear war, star gods, Revelation, Jesus is Coming, FEMA Camps, FEMA Coffins, Annunaki, Nibiru, Planet X, OPEN PHONES - CALL 319-527-6020 (press one for the host) I will do my best to answer any questions, pray with you and discuss ideas. GOD ...
