Toastcaster Communication Leadership Learning Lab
25min2022 JAN 1


[26:00] As we reflect back on this year, caregiving can mean many things to many people. Some people are caregivers in the traditional sense, others give care in many forms to others. In this episode we bring back author and former co-caregiver Rick Lauber. The idea of his return was prompted by a recent insightful tweet he made. “As a #caregiver, please don't ever question the difference you make in someone's life. Thank you so much to all caregivers for everything they do.” This episode is for those who give care, receive care or know someone who is either. In this episode Rick enlightens us with what prompted him to share that wisdom. He reflects upon his own personal experiences sharing some of his thoughts and feelings, even those of guilt, which are also likely felt by many others - particularly during the holiday season and this past year. Listeners are also in for a learning experience as Rick also reflects back with respect to what he’s learned, how he’s coped, some of the actions and steps he’s taken and continues to take and some of what he’s still dealing with even after many years. He also shares with us how you can go about resetting your life when you are no longer a caregiver, and more. Rick Lauber is from Edmonton, Alberta Canada. You can reach him at or on Twitter @CDNCaregiver. You can also find his two best-selling guide books – Caregiver’s Guide for Canadians (2nd edition) and The Successful Caregiver’s Guide (U.S) on Amazon and the usual outlets. You can also listen to past episodes with Rick Lauber. Toastcaster 69 How Toastmasters helps Authors and Toastcaster 127: Caregiving - The Ultimate Leadership Role. Happy New Year 2022!
