Just the Gist
1h 11min2022 JUN 3


In 1964, a Welsh teenager named Brian Robson found himself working a job he hated in a country he hated even more: Australia. He couldn't afford the plane ticket home, so he first tried smuggling himself out of the country by boat, & when that didn’t work, he had himself sealed inside a wooden crate and sent as cargo from Melbourne to the UK. What he thought would be an easy 48-hour journey turned into a five day ordeal which almost killed him. Jacob shares the story with guest host Jan Fran. Follow Jan on Instagram & Twitter @jan__fran and hear her on the podcasts 'The Briefing' and 'A Rational Fear'. Skip straight to the story: approx 6:30 We give you Just The Gist, but if you want more, there's this: Read Brian’s memoir The Crate Escape, released in 2021https://books.google.com.au/books/about/The_Crate_Escape.html?id=9ylozgEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=yWatch one of Brian’s appearances on morning TV in the UK to promote his bookhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RD...
