Just the Gist
1h 23min2022 JUL 15


On August 4th, 1986, it was discovered that the most expensive painting in Australia, 'The Weeping Woman’ by Pablo Picasso, was missing from the National Gallery of Victoria's collection. Turned out it had been abducted by a cheeky new organisation no-one had ever heard of: the "Australian Cultural Terrorists” (the A.C.T) who were holding the painting ransom. Their demands? Increase funding to the arts, or the painting would be incinerated. Was this really a crime? Or was it more of an act of protest? Or a piece of performance art? Whatever the ACT intended it to be viewed as, it’s hilariously funny. Jacob shares the story with long time friend of the podcast and guest host Stuart Semple. Follow Stuart on Instagram @stuartsemple Skip straight to the story: approx 13:21 We give you Just The Gist, but if you want more, there's this: Watch the fantastic documentary “Framed” https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/program/framed Read this article from the day after the painting was found t...
