Arcade Attack Retro Gaming PodcastThe Story of Kapow! - Matt Dawson Interview
1h 11min2022 JUN 29
Learn how Matt Dawson started Kapow! Matt's love of gaming has led him to host gaming events at some of the biggest music festivals in the UK. Matt shares some great stories of how he started his business, his love of gaming and which consoles and games are the most popular at his festivals. He also reflects on which bands are in to gaming and where he sees the industry going. Matt also has a great competition for our lovely listeners and viewers - please listen to the episode to find out all the details. Please also see below how to enter the competition and the terms and conditions: Matt is also a big supporter of the Arcade Attack podcast and share his views on his favourite episodes and how he discovered us! This was a really fun interview, from a true gamer! Please support Matt and keep up to date with Kapow! using all the links below: Fancy discussing this podcast? Fancy suggesting a topic of conversation? Please tweet us@arcadeattackUKand catch us onFacebookorInstagram. All copyrighted material contained within this podcast is the property of their respective rights owners and their use here is protected under ‘fair use’ for the purposes of comment or critique.