The Workamper Show Podcast
44min2022 JUN 8


Today I will be speaking with a full-time RVer who is a certified RV technician, but opted to specialize in a very unique niche – cleaning RV waste tanks – and she makes a very good living doing that. Sue Rasmussen has been living full-time in her Airstream travel trailer for more than six years. She started as a personal coach helping clients to unclutter and simplify their lives. In fact, for about 24 years, she helped women and business owners who were feeling overwhelmed to help them streamline many of their activities so they had more control over their time. Originally from Minnesota, it was easy for Sue to transition her business to a travel lifestyle because most of her coaching sessions took place online before COVID made Zoom popular. After a few years of RVing, Sue opted to attend the National RV Training Academy to learn how to take better care of her own RV and to fix most of the things that went wrong with it. As Sue attended classes, she realized there was big deman...
