Let's Talk BusinessStrategy Sprints: How Micro Changes Can Increase Revenue in 90 Days with Simon Severino
48min2022 APR 4
Does your business strategy provide the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to grow your revenue and scale your business? In today’s show our guest, Simon Severino, an author, CEO of Strategy Sprints, and host of the Strategy Sprints podcast, has created the Strategy Sprints Method that doubles revenue in 90 days by getting owners out of the weeds. Simon leads a global team of Certified Strategy Sprints Coaches that help clients gain market share and work in weekly sprints which results in fast execution. In our interview, Simon shares his insights about how entrepreneurs can find areas of improvement in their companies in order to see fast execution. He also discloses some of the bottlenecks that CEOs face and what they can do to see their businesses thrive. Simon also touches on the importance of blockchain and why everyone should be part of it. You won’t want to miss this incredible episode. Listen and enjoy! [00:01 - 06:26] Opening Segment Simon Severino’s background and work His experience being a strategy advisor for over 21 years Check out his show The Strategy Sprints podcast [06:27 - 27:37] How Bussines Owners Strategize for Their Growth Simon explains what strategy is all about The importance of having a strategy level and a tactical level Why having micro strategizing moments is key How business owners can get back to a real-time control Strategy Sprints: 12 Ways to Accelerate Growth for an Agile Business Simon’s outlook on variable costs, fixed costs, and cash flow Creating the 90 days strategy sprint method How you can address the prices increase to not lose your next client [27:38 - 45:25] The Fastest Way to Increasing Your Bottom Line Simon’s advice for entrepreneurs that would like to have clients pay more You just need to have 5 testimonies to raise your price by 25% The ROL (Return on Luck) concept Why do some people get lucky and super successful and others not? The role of CEOs really to understand the culture and vision of the company Simon’s thoughts about the blockchain society Why blockchain will change the world [45:26 - 48:02] Closing Segment Learn more about Simon with the Rapid Fire Questions! Connect with Simon Follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Head to Strategy Sprints, and get your time and energy back with a one-to-one sprint coach! We’re a passionate bunch. Together, we help your business flourish. Visit: https://ptexgroup.com Let’s Talk Exits! Check out my new podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-exits/id1606747718 Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to achieve in business. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts! Resources mentioned: The Art of Peace and Happiness - Rupert Spira Key Quotes “You cannot stay in the game if you don't have micro strategizing moments.” - Simon Severino “It's always great to have additional revenue streams if I if they are aligned with the core of what you do.” - Simon Severino “You just have real estate and Bitcoin as hard assets, things that do not only not depreciate over time, but appreciate over time.” - Simon Severino