Bible Therapy - Mary Washington
57min2018 JAN 12


Can the believer have the abundant life as Jesus quoted in Scripture? The answer is yes if you believe that the thing you desire shall come to pass and not doubt In your heart; you shall have whatsoever you say. Mark 11:23. A prophetic word is purposed to give the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the will of God for the hearer's future. THEGOOD NEWS for BELIEVERSBROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are touse the Holy Bible therapeutically toanswer the issues of life. Radical Christianswith Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday Schoollive discussion at 9 amPure Wordfor Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments.Submita Prayer Request and www.fmsmgospelnetwork.orgWe are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team.
