Always was, always will be our stories
42min2020 JUL 9


DISCLAIMER: Today's guest is medical professional but not an expert in infection control or an infectious diseases expert, so if anyone wants any further information regarding the COVID19 pandemic they should go to the local state govt webpage on COVID-19 advice or call their local COVID-19 hotline. . . . From Gomeroi, Ngurrabul and Kooma, to Quintuplet and Medical Doctor - my guest on today’s special bonus episode of Always was, always will be our stories, Dr. Erika Chapman-Burgess, has some incredible and unique labels attached to her name. When my sister Keely and I started Tiddas 4 Tiddas in 2018, we had the hopes of putting incredible female role models in the view of the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women - and when we imagined what those role models were like, women like Erika were exactly what fit. In today’s chat you’ll hear her speak about her journey into medicine, advice for the next generation looking at the same career, what it’s like growing up in the only family with Aboriginal Quintuplets in the country and very importantly, some tips and things to think about regarding COVID19! Ambitious, hard working and incredibly proud of who she is and where she’s come from, although I’ll never work in medicine, I feel myself looking up to Erika in so many ways. To think only a couple of decades ago, the concept of a blackfulla doctor might’ve seemed out of reach is scary - but it also emphasises the importance of what mob like Erika are doing, and as we know, having our health managed in our hands, is a powerful key to a brighter and prosperous future. Stay safe out there you mob, look after each other and now, enjoy the show. . . . Thank you so much to Dr. Chapman Burgess for sitting down and sharing your wisdom today! You’re an inspiration to so many and we can’t wait to watch more follow in your footsteps! . . . This episode of Always was, Always will be our stories is proudly supported by 'Your Health, Your Future' a campaign developed by the NSW AH&MRC. Did you know that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are entitled to receive a freecomprehensive health check each year?Regular visits to the doctorto access supportand prevent or better manage chronic conditions are vital for us to maintain well and prosperous lives. Speak with your local Aboriginal Medical Service today to ask fora‘Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (715)’and build yourselves and your mob a brighter and healthier future. . . . Always Was, Always Will Be Our Stories is Written, Hosted, Produced and Edited by Marlee Silva, on the unceded lands of the Dharrawal people. We pay our deepest respects to those people and their Elders past and present, whose connection to this place has remained unbroken for over 60 thousand years. Follow us on Instagram @alwaysourstories . . . Theme Music: 'Run' by Tristan Barton Podcast Artwork: @wuruhi.auaha
