Rated LGBT Radio
59min2022 MAY 20


Before the start of the current academic year, Minnesota statewide LGBTQ+ rights organization Out Front Minnesota presented to the Becker School District Board, addressing concerns that LGBTQ+ students had raised regarding equity, equality and inclusion within the district’s schools. Some anti-LGBTQ community members demanded "equal time" and the Board invitedthe Minnesota Child Protection League (MCPL) , which is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Centeras an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group, to present the “other side”. The presentation by the MCPL was filled with disproven propaganda, offensive, and not relevant to the school environment. The room was filled with pro-LGBTQ students and adults and drew constant protests as the audience was increasingly offended. Now the MCPLeague is creating a witch hunt going after teachers who did not discourage students from attending and protesting at the meeting. Staff in all the district’s public schools will be required to turn over a trove of do...
