Black History Year
54min2022 MAY 16


Today's Historic Story: Nearest Green No matter what laws change or how much progress they want us to believe we’re making, racism only evolves and makes it even more necessary for us to get creative in the fight for our liberation. That means, we’ve got to take back our stories. We do that toay with Dr. David Ikard. He is a professor of African American and Diaspora studies at Vanderbilt University. An award winning author of 4 books, his work centers Black issues, social justice, and the lives of Black men and boys. But Ikard isn’t just a scholar. He’s an artist too. it’s no surprise that most of his paintings relate to black folks, social justice, self-determination, nature, and the rawness of our collective humanity, he says. Check out his work online at Ikard Gallery to see for yourself. BHY is produced by PushBlack, the nation's largest non-profit Black media company - hit us up at and share this with your people! PushBlack exists because we saw we ha...
