The Self Love Fix
42min2022 MAY 12


Chances are you’ve likely heard about the new trend in parenting- gentle parenting. While it may sound permissive or ineffective, if you really look into it, it’s the natural response to the inherent violence that has been culturally accepted in previous generations. In the latest episode of The Self-Love Fix Podcast I have a chance to talk with Leslie of LatinX parenting and go over: Why violence is culturally accepted in parenting The tenants of gentle parenting Respect > fear Blind obedience through fear is not helping our children learn how to process difficult emotions, and it is a breeding ground for future emotional issues and resentments. It can be hard to find other ways when we were most likely brought up by parents who never modeled apologizing for the sake of repair or connection- the emphasis was on obedience at all costs. Our parents wanted to win, no matter how it ultimately affected us as people, and our relationship with them. We don’t need to be perfect all the time to raise thoughtful and compassionate children; we simply have to always try and honor the person they are becoming while understanding that when we “lose it”, it’s actually a wonderful opportunity to show them accountability. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website: Connect with Leslie Priscilla on Instagram: EPISODE RESOURCES: Escape the situationship cycle and become available for an actual relationship. Take accountability for what you really want with my free, transformative 5-day resource. Receive daily tips to help you attract the right kind of men.
