Stories from the Field: Demystifying Wilderness Therapy
50min2022 JUN 1


Dr. Todd Corelli ( is a clinical psychologist who has been providing psychological testing for young people in wilderness therapy programs for over 20 years. Todd discusses the benefits of delivering testing in wilderness settings, some of the major issues he sees, and how testing results have changed in the last decade. Todd shares how the pandemic and isolation have taken a toll on young people and what helps to get them through it. He reveals an upcoming book and video series about connection and parenting. Todd also discusses what every person in wilderness therapy should know about psychological testing. is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Dr. Todd Correlli on the expert section All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters
