Stories from the Field: Demystifying Wilderness Therapy

Stories from the Field: Demystifying Wilderness Therapy

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Stories from the field is dedicated to demystifying wilderness therapy and is hosted by Dr. Will White. In this podcast Will interviews various wilderness therapy researchers, program founders, writers, executive directors, guide staff, clinicians, critics and more. He educates the listener to the long history of the field and different trends related to this evolving treatment option.Will has worked in the wilderness therapy field for over 30 years and co-founded Summit Achievement (a wilderness therapy program) located in Maine in the 1990's. He wrote the book, "Stories from the Field: A History of Wilderness Therapy" and his doctoral dissertation traced the history of the field and is titled, “Stories from the Elders: Chronicles and Narratives from the Early Years of Wilderness Therapy”.

Matt Nannis is the Founder and Executive Director of PIVOTpoint. PIVOTpoint is a non-profit organization that provides outpatient "Therapeutic Adventure Work" through various outdoor programs in and around the Asheville, North Carolina area. Matt shares his journey into the field and how he experienced the power of therapeutic wilderness experiences while going through a healing process for himself. Matt describes what inspired him to start Pivotpoint, why it is a non-profit organization, and the different programs that Pivotpoint provides for its participants. is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Pivotpoint on the All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Beth Laughlin is the Program Director and owner of 360 Transition Services which "helps adolescents and young adults successfully transition from treatment to home, college, or independence." Beth shares her journey into the field, the history of 360 transitions, and the benefits of coaching for parents and young people. Beth reveals how young people often prefer " therapy incognito," how parents should look at regression after discharge from wilderness treatment, and how the field has changed over the last five years. Beth reveals the many insights she has gained from coaching families for over a decade. is sponsoring Season 13 which focuses on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find 360 Transitions in the Expert Section of All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Dr. Todd Corelli ( is a clinical psychologist who has been providing psychological testing for young people in wilderness therapy programs for over 20 years. Todd discusses the benefits of delivering testing in wilderness settings, some of the major issues he sees, and how testing results have changed in the last decade. Todd shares how the pandemic and isolation have taken a toll on young people and what helps to get them through it. He reveals an upcoming book and video series about connection and parenting. Todd also discusses what every person in wilderness therapy should know about psychological testing. is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Dr. Todd Correlli on the expert section All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Mark Adamski is the founder of Wilderness Reboot, a new "alumni network for students after leaving wilderness therapy." Mark shares his journey into the field, from learning about outdoor leadership in high school to working as an outdoor guide in Norway to transitioning to being a wilderness therapy field guide at Pacific Quest in Hawaii and then working at Pure Life in Costa Rica. When the pandemic began, Mark left wilderness therapy to pursue a graduate school education and started a coaching service. Mark discusses how Wilderness Reboot helps alumni of wilderness therapy programs through its various services. is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Mark Adamski Coaching on the expert section of All Kinds of Therapy .com. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

In this episode, we talk with Shayna Abraham, the founder of Prepare to Bloom, a therapeutic consulting practice, and the Therapeutic Consultant Association (TCA) co-founder. Shayna shares the origin story of TCA, how a Therapeutic Consultant can help parents and each other grow, and how TCA is evolving. Shayna shares her wisdom of almost 20 years in the field, how therapeutic programs are needed now more than ever, and what she would say to a room full of wilderness therapy practitioners. is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Prepare to Bloom in the expert's section of the All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Dave Herz is the founder of Wonder: A Confident Living Company, which "supports families through coaching and therapy in real-life settings." Dave shares a brief history of Wonder, how the organization began and evolved over twenty years and how he met co-founder Willow Rubin. Dave discusses the differences between coaching and therapy and how coaching can help young people and their parents before, during, or after attending a wilderness therapy program. Dave also explores the changes he has seen in the field over his 23 plus years of coaching and where he thinks the field is going. All Kinds of Therapy is sponsoring Season 13 of the podcast and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Wonder on the All Kinds of Therapy Website in the expert's section. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Joanna Lilley is the Chairperson of the Therapeutic Consultant Association (TCA) and a practicing Therapeutic Consultant who previously worked in wilderness therapy. In this episode, Joanna shares a brief history of TCA, why the organization began, and how a Therapeutic Consultant can help parents and other caregivers when considering a wilderness therapy program for their teen or young adult. She also dives into the different approaches that a therapeutic consultant may use to help a family. All Kinds of Therapy is the sponsor of Season 13 which will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find a Therapeutic Consulting Association and Lily Consulting on the expert section of All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Hilary Moses is co-owner and parent coach of Solutions Parenting Support and has a long history of working in wilderness therapy. In this episode, Hilary shares how being authentic and compassionate bad-ass has allowed her to challenge systems, whether it be a parent system or the field of wilderness therapy as a whole. Hilary shares how she became frustrated with how so many young people she worked with as a therapist in a wilderness therapy program in the 2010s went onto residential treatment or therapeutic schools and how she started to question that approach. She and the other powerful women teammates at Solutions Parenting Support have created a program for parents to help young people return home after treatment. Hilary also explores the difference between psychotherapy and coaching and shares her nature-based retreat program, Rooted Connections. All Kinds of Therapy is the sponsor of Season 13 of the podcast which will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. You can find Solutions Parenting Support on the All Kinds of Therapy Website. Link toAll Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

We explore the All Kinds of Therapy (AKOT) website which provides a resource for those interested in learning more about behavioral healthcare, including wilderness therapy. In this episode, we dialogue with the founder of AKOT, Jenney Wilder, about the intention of the website, the monthly newsletter, program listings, jobs section, blog posts and the Expert Section. Season 13 of Stories from the Field is sponsored by AKOT and will focus on experts who help families navigate treatment options. Link to All Kinds of Therapy All Kinds of Therapy Blog All Kinds of Therapy Job Postings All Kinds of Therapy Newsletters

Dr. Fred Peipman is a therapist at Second Nature and works primarily with an adolescent all-gender group. Fred shares his fascinating story of growing up on the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea and leaving there at 15 to go to school in the United States. He reveals his unique path to becoming a psychologist, his research background, and how he learned about wilderness therapy by bringing several private practice adolescent clients in Miami to enroll in different programs in Utah in the early 2000s. Fred shares how he found his calling in wilderness therapy by working with gender-expansive, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and trans teens at Second Nature. Fred educates about creating a welcoming group, dealing with shame, and working with parents struggling with their children. Bio from the Second Nature Website: Fred earned his B.A. from Yale University in music and psychology, followed by a M.S. in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Bridgeport. After working in college admissions and counseling, as well as in mental health clinics and hospitals, he went on to earn his PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Miami, with a focus in behavioral medicine and adolescent mental health. Fred has since worked as a wilderness therapist, and as a psychologist in private practice providing therapy and psychological testing. In addition, he has enjoyed speaking at workshops and conferences

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