Historic Voices: Global History and CulturePresident Kennedy - Space Exploration - 1962
19min2021 NOV 23
S03-E17 We feature President John F Kennedy and his speech on America’s Space Program delivered at Rice University on September 12, 1962. At this stage of the space race with the Soviets, the U.S. has successfully placed several astronauts into space. A theme of the talk by President Kennedy is summed up in one of the quotations from the speech, “all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.” He explains why it is worth the cost to go to the moon. In addition to this audio episode, I also provide several PDF documents: first, a transcript of this speech, second, a short biography of JFK’s life, and finally, an overview of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida which was renamed in honor of the president for his vision of the space program. This audio recording comes from the American Rhetoric online database. This website provides more than 5,000 speech transcripts, audio recordings, and v...