Faces of Assassination
43min2021 MAY 10


It's an election year in Mexico and according to the government at least 64 Mexican politicians have been murdered in the past six months. Yet this phenomenon is not exclusive to Mexico - In Italy, 134 politicians were killed between 1974 and 2014. In Colombia, in 2019, seven political candidates were murdered. And in Uganda, 54 people were murdered in November 2020 during an election campaign. The assassination of politicians by organized crime needs greater attention – these murders have a series impact of politics, corruption, and communities across the world. Presenter: https://twitter.com/siriagastelum (Siria Gastelum Felix), the Emmy Award-winning Journalist and Director of the https://resiliencefund.globalinitiative.net/ (Resilience Fund at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime) Speakers: https://twitter.com/gemmadipoppa?lang=en (Gemma Dipoppa), https://web.sas.upenn.edu/gemmad/ (Post-Doctoral Fellow in Political Science at Stanford University.) https:/...
