20 Sided Stories
6min2018 JUL 25


Hello there! Welcome to the World of Pokémon! If you don’t know what Pokemon is, my god what giant rock have you been living under? No need to worry! We’ll catch you up on all you need to know! 20 Sided Stories is Directed by Sage G.C. Pokemon Pen & Paper Version stars Jessica Dahlgren, Greg Reasoner, and Travis Reaves. Artwork, RPG System, Transcripts, and more at 20sidedstories.com/pokemon - Disclaimer This podcast and series has no affiliation with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., or anything in the official Pokemon franchise whatsoever. It is a non-profit, fan made parody piece created in fair use and all product names, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. The bulk of what you are about to hear was recorded live by improvisors who simply love the franchise, and we thank you for joining us on our nostalgic adventure through Kanto.
