Lemon Water
53min2022 APR 13


On today's episode Michelle sits down with friend Nohémie Mawaka who is quite literally a serial entrepreneur. Nohémie founded Stats Congo back in 2017 with an aim to help Congolese hospitals go digital and to collect data to monitor medical indicators linked to that high mortality rate. She later founded Aluuka a platform that helps western immigrants pay for loved ones medical prescription abroad hassle free , and Lubembo Honey an organically made small-batch forest honey company that was launched at the beginging of 2021. Nohémie provides insight and knowledge about her career journey and shares the importance of taking time for yourself in order to recharge and energize. - From now until August 31st, new customers can save $15 dollars off their first four grocery orders of $75 or more with code LEMONWATER60 by visiting walmart.ca/grocerypromo *Available to Canadian listeners only
