The Ironman Executive
41min2017 MAR 2


Aaron Traywick is the founder at Ascendance Biomedical where they focus on helping people get the treatments and care they need to save their lives. They also specialize in helping fund and facilitate research by taking initial studies off shore before bringing the data back to the FDA. Learn more about this process as well as two studies they're currently working on. He shares some of the results they're seeing and potential for the industry with this particular treatment for longevity and life extension overall. Enrollment is currently open for trials to test “Bucky-balls” (also known as Fullerene-C60 and “Bucky-balls”) for their capacity to increase lifespan and maximize human performance. Learn more about the Senolytic Treatments we talk about in the interview and sign up to join the study here Apeiron Academy educates and trains Epigenetic Human Potential Coaches in genomic precision wellness and human potential optimization. Get all the details here. Ascendance Biomed Glob...
