Elixir Wizards
45min2022 MAY 12


Joining us in conversation today is Nathan Willson all the way from Tokyo, Japan. Listeners will learn about the polyglot landscape he works in from Japan, why he believes knowing a language, and mastering it, are two different things, and what his first foray into coding looked like. We touch on the necessary evil of MIDI plugins, and Nathan introduces listeners to GEMS, how you can use it, and what he has done to make it accessible across the globe. We talk latency issues, curbing the potential for abuse, and choosing to make an app open source, before delving into Nathan’s other projects outside of GEMS, including the Elixir app, Biddy, that he built with five friends, When to Chat, and much more. Thanks for tuning in to hear from today’s inspiring guest. Key Points From This Episode: An introduction to today’s guest, Nathan Willson, his Canadian-Japanese history, his obsession with Elixir, and his musical experimental app, GEMS. The polyglot environment in which he works whic...
