Podcasts With Park Rangers - A National Parks Podcast
49min2018 SEP 24


Geomorphologist Paul Kennard calls Mount Rainier National Park the canary in a coal mine when it comes to climate change. Glaciers on Rainier melt at a rapid rate, causing issues with the park’s rivers and wildlife. And, resource rangers are at the forefront of dealing with a rapidly changing environment. On this episode of Podcasts with Park Rangers, we talk about the effects of climate change on the most glaciated peak in the lower 48 states. Show Notes found at: https://www.virtualkamper.com/pwpr22/ Help keep the show on the road: https://www.patreon.com/virtualkamper/ Podcast Resources: * Mount Rainier NP – NPS Website * An Ascent of Mount Rainier by John Muir * Episode 21: Mt Rainier NP – Volcanic Activity and Park Geology Topics Covered * About Paul Kennard * Glaciers at Mount Rainier * What is a Glacier? * Glacial Formation at Mount Rainier * Seasonal Changes at Mount Rainier * How Do We Measure the Amount the Glaciers Have Receded? * Issues Caused by Climate Change at Mou...
