Her Career
37min2020 OCT 28
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Hellooooo everyone, welcome to the Her Career Pod! In today’s show we chat recommendations, from The Secret Spiritual Art of Succeeding at Work to career success and guilt in the Space Between. We also dive into Q4s biggest brand deal with Khloe Kardashian & Dose & Co, superannuation and the double hit women get when it comes to money, Forbes' latest on Jacinda Ardern, female leaders and their dominant success in the pandemic and what this means for us, and finally being young, managing teams and getting taken seriously. Follow us on Instagram at @hercareer_ausnz, visit www.hercareer.org or join our private Facebook Group ‘Millennial intrapreneurs thriving in their 9-5’ and weigh in on any of the things we spoke about today! We’re also suckers for nice words, so, if you loved today’s show please leave us a rating on Apple Podcasts – we really do cherish your feedback (like, so much).

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