Mysterious Universe
1h 21min2022 JUL 15


To many the concept of a migraine is that it is simply a severe headache; however to those who experience them, the condition is far more varied, complex and even supernatural. Sufferers have reported the presence of beings, getting blasted by beams of light and even swapping their consciousness with a doppelgänger. Drawing on a wealth of both clinical and anecdotal cases we discuss the high strangeness surrounding this perplexing neurological enigma and consider the possibility that rather than an illness, migraines and their associated conditions may be an internal doorway to a hidden reality contained within the mind. In our Plus+ extension we take a look at the stunning story of a man eating tiger on the loose in India and how one man who was vilified for slaying the deadly beast is now telling his story to clear his name. Links What a Headache: UFOs, Migraines, and Strange Phenomena Migraine auras and UFO encounters Abductees and migraine auras Hallucinations Migraine Can Out-of-Body Experiences Occur as a Migraine Aura Symptom? Out-of-Body Experiences and Migraine Migräne Aura – Formen, Symptome und Auslöser The Vardøgr, Perhaps Another Indicator of the Non-Locality of Consciousness What is the spiritual cause of migraines? Psychic Manifestations in Migraine. Can Kundalini cause Migraines The Psychology of Alien Abduction: An Altered State of Consciousness? Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ members. To join, click HERE. Avni: Inside the Hunt for India's Deadliest Maneater Deccan Wildlife National Tiger Conservation Authority Why did Thomas Edison electrocute an Elephant? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
