FBI Retired Case File Review
1h 24min2022 JUL 21


On November 22, 1994, Special Agents Martha Dixon Martinez and Michael John Miller, and Police Sgt. Henry "Hank" Daley, were shot and killed inside the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Headquarters building. In this episode, one of Martha Dixon’s sisters, Monica Dentino, one of her brothers, Kevin Dixon, and six of Martha’s former co-workers, retired agents Icey Jenkins Craig, Bill Cole, Dan Reilly, Jeff Bedford, Jerry Bamel, and John Kuchta share loving memories about Martha and emotional stories about when they learned the tragic news. Check out episode show notes, photos, and related articles. https://jerriwilliams.com/266-martha-dixon-line-of-duty-service-martyr/ Buy me a coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JerriWilliams Join my Reader Team to get the FBI Reading Resource - Books about the FBI, written by FBI agents, the 20 clichés about the FBI Reality Checklist, and keep up to date on the FBI in books, TV, and movies via my monthly email. Join here. http://eepurl.com/dzCCmL Host Jerri Williams is also an author. Visit https://jerriwilliams.com/books/ to check out her books.
