School Librarians United with Amy HermonLunch in the Library
1h 17min2022 JUL 15
Suzanne Banwart and Stephanie Wilson share strategies for supporting their school communities during lunch. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Courageous Kids: Graphic Nonfiction Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists APA format for citing a podcast/podcast episode Suzanne Banwart Twitter: @BanwartSuzanne IG: AHS.LMC Stephanie Wilson Twitter: @marinerlibrary IG: MHSMarinerLibrary Sign-in tutorial Sign-out sheet Sample weekly schedule Canva flyer