Character Corner - A Podcast on Your favorite Comic Book Characters
1h 28min2022 MAR 16


Reboots are a thing that happens all the time in comic books. But there are reboots and retcons and then there's what DC Comics did with the Legion of Super-Heroes. I take back what I said during part 1. The Legion of Super-Heroes might have the most complex and complicated history in DC. Yes that's over Wonder Woman and the Hawks. See, with the Legion, you take the confusion and complicated histories of Wonder Woman and Hawkman. Add in the time traveling of ALL the Flash characters. Sprinkle in some good ole "unnecessary DC Editorial decisions". Then...MAKE ALL THE HISTORY MATTER. That's the Legion of Super-Heroes. There's at least 6 different origins, 5 of them unique. What's really interesting is that outside of the 5 Years Later/Glorithverse reboot (seriously, its terrible don't read it), all the reboots are pretty decent reads. This means you can find a team you like and have a decent run reading them. Sure they'll be rebooted for no reason sometimes but...come's comics...
