The Michael Decon Program
1h 1min2022 JUN 14


Episode 372: PETA We sat down with the co-founder of PETA for an exclusive interview. Ingrid Newkirkis a prominent animal activist who co-founded the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)—the world’s largest animal rights organization. An outspoken woman, she is best known for creating awareness about various issues related to animal rights all over the world. Her organization has so far exposed the atrocities meted out on innocent animals in laboratories, forced the closure of the largest horse-slaughter operation in North America, and has helped to put a stop to all car-crash tests on animals among several other achievements. As a young girl she was not much interested in animals—she was not even a vegetarian and really loved to eat meat. It was when she began witnessing the horrible cruelties animals are often subjected to that her stance on animals began to change. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
