Leveling Up with Eric Siu
9min2022 JUN 6


In this episode, Eric talks about why relationship building is important and how hosting a simple dinner with other creators can make a big impact on your NFT Project! TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [00:00] - If You Do This, You Will Connect With Every NFT Influencer & Be Able to Sell Out Your Project [01:23] - Hosting a dinner with like-minded people (CEO, Founders, Creators) [03:40] - Tip: Make sure everyone is on the same level [05:40] - Have a brief introduction, and be a moderator! [07:30] - Tip: Putting an extra mile means better results. [08:13] - Help people do business with people! Leveling Up Heroes NFT: Join Our Discord: https://discord.gg/vbXEDP5gdM Follow Our Twitter For Updates: https://twitter.com/levelingupnft Learn More About The NFT Project: https://heroes.levelingup.com/heroes/ Let’s Level Up together! Connect with me through my social media and get a free book: https://linktr.ee/levelingupofficial Need to grow your business but don't know where to start? Request a free chat with a Growth Expert at Single Grain, my Digital Marketing Agency: https://www.singlegrain.com/marketing-plan/
