Finding the Funny: Leadership Tips From a Comedian
1min2021 JAN 14


I always have a client call before my keynotes and comedy shows. And people try to come up with funny things, instead of just telling me the facts and let ME come up with the funny. And people have actually said things to me such as "make fun of her hair" or "make fun of his divorce." Wow, really? Would you say that to them? We're talking humor rules this week and my tip today sounds obvious, but shockingly it's not. Don't make jokes about something that you wouldn't say to their face. The only caveat to this is if you're a comedian in a comedy club and that's your thing, or you're roasting people. But I'm talking about if you just want to come up with every day humor, or joke around a bit. Don't do it at the expense of others. I talked earlier this week about not joking about sensitive subjects, but you should also not joke about personal issues . . . even if you're going to get a huge laugh. Don't get laughs at other people's expense unless that's you're goal and you're fine with ...
