The Ironman Executive
48min2016 MAY 7


Today we’re talking to Dave Siever, an expert on the topics of neuro feedback and biofeedback. Dave discusses the audio visual entrainment (AVE) device – called the DAVID -- offered through his company Mind Alive, and how it can be used to optimize the brain in many different ways. Audio-Visual Entrainment vs. Audio-Visual Stimulation Dave explains how audio-visual entrainment is different from the audio-visual stimulation you’d get from, for example, watching TV, which doesn’t do much to benefit the brain. AVE, in contrast, provides a continuous stream of stimuli at a fairly steady frequency into the eyes and ears -- the device works simply by using headphones to pulse tones for auditory stimulation and glasses with lights that flash at different speeds for visual stimulation. And while people generally associate entrainment with brain wave driving, that is only a small portion of what it does. AVE also has dissociative benefits similar to meditation, increases endorphins, sero...
