Happy Jacks RPG Podcast
1h 5min2022 JUN 11


◇ Summary: DriveThruRPG Game Jams, New Player Tropes, Big Bad Con Memories, & How to start GMing | Hosts: Kimi (@goldenlassogirl), Jay (@jayafrica), and Clara (@clearly_golden) ◇ 0:35 - Welcome & Episode Summary, 1:32 - Announcements: Please leave a us a (good) review!3:14 - News: DriveThruRPG is doing a game jam!, 14:30 - Heath from Maryland asks about our experiences with new player tropes, 30:42 - Jerry from Oregon returns to the HJ community and shares a story of Big Bad Con, 42:48 - Weaslecreature from California shares a tip for someone who is interested in GMing but doesn’t know where to start, 59:32 - Episode Closing, 1:02:30 - Song: "Skye Boat Song" by The Mary Sues ◇ Email happyjacksrpg@gmail.com to send in a topic or question to the show! ◇ Follow Happy Jacks RPG on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or hang out with other tabletop roleplaying fans in our Discord community! ◇ Subscribe to our other podcasts! We have Actual Play Campaigns in over 20 RPG systems and a great...
