Happy Jacks RPG Podcast
1h 23min2022 MAY 1


◇ Summary: How to tell if you have the right number of plot threads, Having Items as PC Aspects in Fate, & why D&D has lasted while other systems faded away | Hosts: Kimi (@goldenlassogirl), Stork, and Moe (@ashyfeet1) ◇ 0:34 - Welcome & Episode Summary,3:11 - Announcements,7:10 - Forlornhope22 asks how many plot threads is too many, 26:39 - Eric from Oregon talks PC items as Aspects in Fate, 37:26 - Kimi goes off on the adults in Spider-Man movies, 44:52 - Davi in CA asks about how systems survive the test of time and we talk TTRPG marketing, 1:16:25 - Episode Closing, 1:00:31 - Song: "Sail On" by The Merry Wives of Windsor ◇ Email happyjacksrpg@gmail.com to send in a topic or question to the show! ◇ Follow Happy Jacks RPG on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or hang out with other tabletop roleplaying fans in our Discord community! ◇ Subscribe to our other podcasts! We have Actual Play Campaigns in over 20 RPG systems and a great collection of One-Shots if you prefer bite sized ad...
