Here's Why It's Great
2h 32min2019 SEP 9


In the magical time known as the spring of 1997, a brand-new band burst onto the scene in a fish-eyed lens fever dream, and one question would ring in the minds of the masses since then: what the hell, exactly, IS an MMMBop? Well, folks, your brave hosts have all the answers you've been looking for, and so much more. The brothers Hanson-- that's Taylor, Issac, and Zac-- are more than just a boy-band-turned-man-band that have had audiences swooning since before they were pre-teens. They're entrepreneurs, they're brewmasters, they're philanthropists, they're husbands, and they're fathers, all while they've been churning out perfectly-crafted pop songs since their heyday. They aren't the 90s nostalgia act you might imagine, and to prove it, your hosts John, Lindsay, and Sandy dive deep into their history, their discography, their legacy, and 12 of their grooviest songs. After listening to this episode, you'll be asking yourself: Where's the Love... for Hanson? So dust off those rollerb...
