The Productivity Show
31min2022 JUN 6


One of THE most important things you can do to help your productivity is to create an easy to follow routine that you follow after you wake up We don’t even like the term “morning routine” - we prefer “Rise Ritual” - because you can do it anytime, not just in the morning. Doesn’t matter what time you wake up. The key is to have a routine of repeatable steps that you can follow to support your productivity when you start the day In this episode, we’ll share how you can build your own Rise Ritual, and how to be consistent with it. Here are 3 things you’ll get out of this episode: -How to find time for your Rise Ritual, even when you’re busy -How to build your routine, and which steps to include - and not include -How to be consistent and roll with the punches when things fall about You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to
