The Cinephiliacs
35min2020 DEC 15


Today's episode features Anne Kaun, as Associate Professors at Södertörn University in the Department of Culture and Education, co-editor ofMaking Time for Digital Lives, and the author ofCrisis and Critique: A Brief History of Media Participation in Times of Crisis. We discuss her co-authored article withFredrik Stiernstedt entitled “Prison Media Work: From Manual Labor to the Work of Being Tracked,” fromMedia, Culture & Society. We discuss both the historical and global trends in the relationship between prison work and media infrastructures. Anne examines both the traditions of prison labor in building media as part of ,rehabilitation and professionalization, but also how it has evolved under neoliberal transformations to no longer reflect these goals. Most pointedly, she takes us through the new role of work for prisoners: acting as subjects for data analysis by large private companies looking to strengthen their algorithmic computation. Prisoners no longer do media work themselves as much as are a subject of being worked upon by media. In bringing light to this history, Kaun brings light to the complex network we live in that in many ways is shaped by prisons and the incarcerated without our knowledge.
