Finding Grace
53min2022 APR 2


In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Kimberly Meredith who is a Hay House author of “Awakening to the fifth dimension” and is an internationally renowned medical medium healing who has helped thousands of people achieve lifelong health and freedom. Following two NDEs , she received miraculous healing gifts from Holy Spirit. Kimberly and I connected online and I can’t wait to share her on the podcast. In this episode: Kimberly shares what finding grace means to her and the journey she’s been on. She shares her story from nurse to tv advisory nurse to the healing work she’s doing today. She’s about her NDE’s and how this shaped her. She shares her definition of what being the fifth dimension means. We talk about the healing work she does and how life transforming it is. We discuss the book she’s written all about this and what led her to write it. We talk about the power of mediumship. She’s shares what spiritual practises lift you into the fifth dimension. We disc...
