Finding Grace

Finding Grace

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Conversations of finding grace in the world we live in today. This podcast contains conversations and stories from myself and others of our personal journeys with finding grace in the world we live in today. My mission as someone who lives with a life-altering genetic condition, and as a writer and blogger - is to guide people to integrate their darkness and light by finding grace in the space they're currently in. To enable you to seek your best version, remembering that we are all different - this is where the magic and grace is. I hope this podcast inspires you to find grace from the stories you hear and they help your own personal journey of life. Also, to remember it’s not about being perfect, its letting grace find you and guide you wherever you’re at.You can find me at http//

In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by the fabulous Giselle La Pompe-Moore a spiritual guide, author, reiki master teacher and trauma-sensitive meditation teacher - but most of all, a space holder. Giselle was described by Vogue as “the women redefining spirituality for the millennial crowd” Giselle and I connected online, I love the work that Giselle does, her values and integrity and the book she’s written and I can’t wait to share her on here today. In this episode: Giselle shares what finding grace means to her with the journey she’s been one. She shares her story. We dispel manifesting and break down all the blocks around that are beyond affirmations, toxic manifesting etc to the social economic aspects. We talk about the importance of opening your eyes to what’s going in the world and the affects on ourselves as well and when we understand this we can work from this space and make this work for everyone. We discuss finding balance within spirituality and finding what works for you, and you don’t have to make it an identity. We talk about a space beyond step processes, and how despite that this can feel comfortable it’s moving beyond that. She’s a beautiful story of her grandma’s faith and hope, and the importance of this. We discuss why the inner work is important, and how it’s not a one size fits all. We talk about acceptance and bringing gratitude into the process. She shares all about her book and what led her to write this. She shares how spirituality isn’t a private members club and how her book dispels this. We discuss about the importance of listening to what you need, sometimes its meditation and sometimes its rest. We talk about the importance of trauma sensitive meditation, and why it’s good to be aware this. We discuss the importance of checking in with your intuition, and Giselle shares how this helps her. She shares what brings her joy and why joy is such an important part of the human experience, and we need to have fun. We discuss her tarot journey and she’s shares all about that. Giselle shares all this and more, I just loved our conversation, how we really kept it real too and I hope you all love it too. We touched upon some really important topics and I would love to hear back from you so do reach out to me to discuss this. If you want to buy Giselle book, work with her and see what she’s up too you can find her here: Instagram @gisellelpm You can get her book here You can find me at : instagram @thehannahwallace Facebook Hannah Wallace @thehannahwallace twitter @hannahwallace_ Thank you so much for listening I hope you’ve enjoy our conversation, please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.

In this episode of finding grace today I’m joined by my fabulous friend Jessica Huie, who is the author of purpose, speaker, entrepreneur, host of the purpose academy and the retreat and she also helps you bring your books to life. Jessica has had twenty years experience working in media as a publicist. She helps people share their message, breathe life into their purpose driven projects and gifts, and share them with the world through transformational visibility. Jessica lives in Jamaica with her son. Jessica and I connected online some years back, and I can’t wait to share her on here again. In this episode: Jessica shares what finding grace means to her now and where she is at in her life. She shares her remarkable story which has guided her to where she is today. We discuss the leap she made in the middle of the pandemic to take her life half way across the world to Jamaica. She shares what purpose means to her now and how it’s evolved. We talk about motherhood and how she’s...

In June solo episode I share my musings on the Solstice and the art of celebration. Please also note in this episode my neighbours pipes above have an air lock and it decided to show up while I was recording, I’ve left it there as a message for showing up perfectly imperfect and being able to carry on and to celebrate that. I share: About the Summer solstice and what I’ve been feeling, I also wish those in the Southern Hemisphere a happy winter Solstice. I invite you to think about celebration and what this means to you. I share what I am celebrating. I discuss why we need to celebrate where we are at, and that it’s not just about celebrating the big things in our life. Why the small things we celebrate are as powerful as the big things. If we feel blocked around celebrating it could from patterns when we were younger about conditional celebrating, and why we need to lock at them and understand. Learning to feel safe in your body and nervous system to celebrate as often this can ...

In this episode of Finding grace I am joined by my gorgeous friend George Lizos who an author of number one best selling book light worker gotta work, light worker, podcast host, course creator and psychic healer with a range of skills. George lives in Cyprus, and is a great knowledge in his field. We have been friends a number of years and I love having him on the podcast and can’t wait to share this episode here. In this episode: George shares where he’s at with finding grace right now and what it means to him. He shares some aspects of his story that led him to this work for those who haven’t heard him before. We get straight into all about his new book “protect your light”, he shares what spiritual protection and why we need to do it. Why energy protection is beyond just a bubble of white light. He gets practical for people sharing all about cords, daggers and things that could be in your energy field, removing any fear around this and shares how it happens and the empoweri...

In this episode of finding grace today I’m joined by the magical Karen Kay, who is 2 times Hayhouse deck creator, oracle reader, and event creator of various “Fairy events and festivals ”. Founder of Fae magazine, and she’s a singer song writer. Karen connects people to the elementals through her work in beautiful and accessible ways. Karen and I connected online and I love what Karen is sharing in the world. I can’t wait to share Karen and her magic on here today. In this episode: Karen shares what finding grace means to her. She shares her story of what led her to this work. We talk fairies and mermaids and the differences between them. Why these elementals present differently to people, and how they will relate to them. We discus why people maybe sceptical and that it can be natural and its important for people to experience this for themselves. She shares practical ways to connect to fairies and mermaids. We discuss the two decks she created and what led her to do so. We ta...

In Mays solo episode of finding grace I’m musing on the topic of confidence: In this episode: The importance of figuring out what confidence means to you. How does confidence feel to you. Why confidence looks different for everyone. While we can be inspired by the confidence of others,but we don’t have to be the same as them but rather do what works for us. Figuring out how confidence feels in your body. Why we need to look at the different areas of our lives, because confidence differs In them all, separating them allows us to see how we can help this. Running your own race with confidence is the key. Having compassion with yourself if you feel like your confidence should be better and why this is important. I share some personal confidence stories of my own. Using confidence when we change and having the courage to do this. I share all this and more. I’d love to hear what confidence means to you and your stories, share with me here. You can find me at : Instagram @thehannahwall...

In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by fabulous Shannon Kaiser who is a world renowned spiritual teacher and self love teacher with a decade of experience, a speaker and empowerment coach and a podcast host . She is a best selling author of five book and creator of the oracle deck “unshakable inner peace oracle cards”. She guides people to awaken and align to their true selves so they can live their highest potential. We were introduced via our lovely friend George and I can’t wait to share Shannon on here. In this episode: Shannon shares what finding grace means to her and the journey that she’s been on. She has her story from working in advertising to the work she’s doing now and what led her to this. We discuss the importance of not trying to fit in a box She shares all about her new book book what let her to write and what its all about. She shares about the depression she went through which let her to breakthrough. We discuss how she learned to find joy through he...

In this very special 100th podcast episode, I am being interviewed by my friend Fab Giovanetti who has a been a previous podcast guest will link all about fab below. In this super fun episode we cover: What finding grace means to me. We celebrate getting to 100 episodes. Theres some humorous questions I will let you find out to listen. We talk joy and wisdom. Favourite thing about doing the podcast. We talk about all of this and more, I won’t give to much away I encourage you to, there’s lots of fun and laughter. Thank you for all your support with the podcast and I can’t wait for the next 100 episodes ! Mays solo episode will resume as normal. You can find me at : Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website Fabs instagrams @fabgiovanetti and @altmarkschool Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.

In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Marine Selenee, who is a family constellation therapist, motivational speaker, the author of “Connected fates, separate destinies - using family constellations therapy to recover from inherited stories and trauma. “ She works with clients 1-1, in groups and online. She is passionate about sharing the transformative power of family constellations. We were introduced through my lovely friend George, I can’t wait to share Marine and her work on here today. In this episode: Marine share’s what finding grace means to her and the journey that she’s been on. She share’s her story and what led her to this work and to move across the world. She share’s what family constellation therapy is and why it’s important. We discuss reclaiming our power and rewriting our story and the importance of this. Why getting to the root of a wound helps us heal the past and move forward. She share’s how we not only help with our own healing with this wor...

In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Kimberly Meredith who is a Hay House author of “Awakening to the fifth dimension” and is an internationally renowned medical medium healing who has helped thousands of people achieve lifelong health and freedom. Following two NDEs , she received miraculous healing gifts from Holy Spirit. Kimberly and I connected online and I can’t wait to share her on the podcast. In this episode: Kimberly shares what finding grace means to her and the journey she’s been on. She shares her story from nurse to tv advisory nurse to the healing work she’s doing today. She’s about her NDE’s and how this shaped her. She shares her definition of what being the fifth dimension means. We talk about the healing work she does and how life transforming it is. We discuss the book she’s written all about this and what led her to write it. We talk about the power of mediumship. She’s shares what spiritual practises lift you into the fifth dimension. We disc...

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