Being Human
25min2022 JUL 5


Welcome to Episode 81 of the Being Human Podcast: The Lies of the American Psychological Association In this episode, Dr. Greg tackles the problematic stance taken by the American Psychological Association (APA) on abortion; he also breaks open why it’s important for Catholic mental health professionals to practice from a place of integration, why most psychology programs cannot provide that kind of education, and what CatholicPsych is doing to help. Discussed in this episode: How politics have taken precedence over scientific fact when it comes to the APA’s stance on abortion; The validity and findings of scientific studies done about the mental health impact on women who have had an abortion; Why practicing as a mental health professional under the APA guidelines is becoming untenable; The importance of Catholic mental health professionals starting from a place of integration of psychology, theology, and anthropology; Reasons why even Catholic psychology programs are forced to s...
