Episode 63 The murder of Betty Gore & The murder of Hannelore Klinkhamer
Episode 63 The murder of Betty Gore & The murder of Hannelore Klinkhamer
2h 20minEpisode 62 Sarah Howe & Kelly Cochran
1h 50minEpisode 61 John Wayne Glover & Krystian Bala
2h 2minEpisode 60 Terry Jo Duperrault
1h 26minEpisode 59 Richard Scrushy & The McClures
1h 51minEpisode 58 Junko Yoshida & The Hart Family
2h 14minEpisode 57 Pedro Rodrigues Filho & The Death of Tina Watson
1h 43minEpisode 56 Barbara Rogers & James Allen Hydrick
2h 50min