Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess
1h 23min2022 FEB 27


Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat! I am your host Ebony Tutora, also known as Ebony the Goddess. It is an honor to bring to you this divine Queen, Madame Kay Jones, founder of SheOrgasms. Not only have I been able to be a part of their growing tribe, I also have been honored to sit down with the founder to discuss sacred sensuality, S.E.X, divine partnerships, and so much more! This episode should open your eyes to how one can dive into femininity, as well as discover new ways to love yourself on a deeper level. This is one of my most favorite topics, and I pray you love it too! To use my special discount code "Ebony" and shop SheOrgasms, visit this link: More about Kay: A MESSAGE FROM THE WOMAN WHO STARTED IT ALL... SAY HELLO TO KAY JONES When spirituality and sexuality combine harmoniously, you get the embodiment of Kay Jones. The Chief Inspiration Officer of SheOrgasms is the Goddess energy behind the herbal supplements and other products charged...
