Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess
1h 10min2021 FEB 21


Welcome to Soul Chat with your host Ebony M. Tutora. A podcast dedicated to diving beneath the surface level conversations... and going into the depths of the soul. In this episode I was graced by a phenomenal soul- Chad Black. We discussed the power of being alone sparked by his book "The Power of Being Alone." We dove into the small, simple lessons that God teaches us when we are open to hearing, and more importantly learning ourselves. His wisdom can be felt, and heard. After connecting with him on an amazing clubhouse room, I knew I had to share his wisdom with my audience. I am sure that per usual, you will take something amazing away from this. So get your pen and notebook ready for another soul-shifting conversation! More about Chad: He purposely doesn't have an extravagant bio, but here's what his IG says: - - - - . Connect with him here: Buy his book and invest in his candles! You won't regret it! Support the podcast...
