Italian Wine Podcast
21min2022 APR 29


Welcome to Episode 884 Professore Attilio Scienza leads a Seminar during Vinitaly 2022 entitled Science And Its Prejudices: What Are The Consequences For Viticulture? This Seminar has been cut into 3. Today’s episode is Part 1! If you want to learn more about the Professore: The one who checks all the facts and regulates when we mistakenly type "Verdicchio" in place of "Vermentino.” Attilio Scienza is a full professor at the University of Milan in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences where he teaches courses on genetic improvements to the vine; he also teaches Viticulture in the Master’s program of the University of Turin in Asti. He has been the lead for many national research projects in the field of physiology, agricultural techniques, and vine genetics. As the author of over 350 publications on vine and viticulture in national and international journals, you can bet he knows his stuff! To find out more about Attilio Scienza visit:
