Italian Wine Podcast

Italian Wine Podcast

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The Italian Wine Podcast began as a storytelling project dedicated to the Italian wine world. It started in March 2017 in the lead-up to major Italian wine events: OperaWine and Vinitaly, and has since become an award-winning show, recognized as one of the most frequently listened-to wine podcasts out there. Italy has more native grape varieties concentrated within its borders than any other country in the world, and Italian wine and grape diversity is a story worth telling. Meanwhile, the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow on an international scale, so, despite our name, our shows are equally geared towards the international wine community. The Italian Wine Podcast aims to inform, educate, and entertain fans through engaging conversations with producers, experts, and personalities of the Italian and international wine scene.

Welcome to Episode 1006 Stevie Kim moderates Clubhouse’s Ambassadors Corner – In this episode Monika Zakrzewska interviews Sofia Ponzini. These sessions are recorded from Clubhouse and replayed here on the Italian Wine Podcast! Listen in on this series as Italian Wine Ambassadors all over the world chat with Stevie and their chosen wine producer. Which producer would you interview if you had your pick? About about today’s guest host: Monika Zakrzewska is Vinitaly international ambassador, certified sommelier FISAR (- Fondazione Italiana Sommelier & Ristoratori) and WSET3 holder, with knowledge of the wine industry and experience in client acquisition, wine events, wine education, and distribution. She was born in Poland, but after she has graduated, she lived and worked for several years in the United States, Ukraine, Ireland, and Italy. Monika speaks fluently Polish, Italian, English, and Russian. She loves to travel and learn languages, this environment helped her discover the world of wine. She started to share her passion for Italian wine with her clients from HORECA, working in sales and training, as well as selecting new wines for an Italian wine importer in Ireland some time ago. After she became the Italian wine Ambassador, she started to work for Empson & Co, where she continues to share her passion for Italian wine, promoting wines & developing new markets from Eastern & Central Europe such as Baltic countries, Poland, Russia, as well as new emerging markets. If you want to learn more visit: Facebook - Monika Zakrzewska Instagram - monikazwine LinkedIn – Monika Zakrzewska About today’s guest producer: Tenute Boscon was born from Sofia Ponzini’s passion for her land with the goal of creating high quality wines inspired by the Etna tradition. “We are located in Sicily, in southern Italy in Castiglione di Sicilia in the province of Catania, an area that is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy.” Here the famous Etna DOC wines are produced, true icons of Italian enology, which over the years have enjoyed growing success becoming one of the most appreciated denominations internationally. Tenute Bosco is recognized as one of the most representative wineries and award-winning from Etna and has an artisan production of about 45,000 bottles per year. If you want to learn more visit: More about the moderator Stevie Kim: Stevie hosts Clubhouse sessions each week (visit Italian Wine Club & Wine Business on Clubhouse), these recorded sessions are then released on the podcast to immortalize them! She often also joins Professor Scienza in his shows to lend a hand keeping our Professor in check! You can also find her taking a hit for the team when she goes “On the Road”, all over the Italian countryside, visiting wineries and interviewing producers, enjoying their best food and wine – all in the name of bringing us great Pods! To find out more about Stevie Kim visit: Facebook: @steviekim222 Instagram: @steviekim222 Website: Let's keep in touch! Follow us on our social media channels: Instagram @italianwinepodcast Facebook @ItalianWinePodcast Twitter @itawinepodcast Tiktok @MammaJumboShrimp LinkedIn @ItalianWinePodcast If you feel like helping us, donate here

Welcome to Episode 1005 Cynthia Chaplin interviews Alice Achayo, in this installment of Voices, on the Italian Wine Podcast. More about today’s guest: Alice Achayo is the founder of the Wine Linguist. A business she started recently that focuses on expanding wine language through global cuisines. Having worked in different parts of the wine industry over the last last 6 years, she wanted to change what she saw was lacking: representation of the global majority’s language, culture, and cuisine. For far too long the wine language has been centered around Eurocentric and Western society. This is one of the many reasons why wine has always been intimidating, exclusive, and uninviting. While there are various ways to diversify the industry, a core focus of the Wine Linguist will be on global cuisine and wine pairing. For me the beauty of the wine language is that it relies on our individual sensory memories. Foods we’ve grown up eating and the scents that surrounded us, play a massive...

Welcome to Episode 1004 Marc Millon interviews Marina Schmohl for the Cantina Aldeno in this special 5Star Wines & Wine Without Walls episode of Wine, Food & Travel with Marc Millon on the Italian Wine Podcast. This is part of a special sub series in which Marc interviews the winners and the contributors of the competition in the coming weeks! More about today’s guest: Marina Schmohl. Official Sommelier Taster and speaker Italian Sommelier Association Trentino. Master Taster and speaker National Organization of Cheese Tasters. National Honey Taster. Activities in the field of food and wine promotion. Participation in national and international juries. More about today’s winery: Cantina Aldeno in Trentino: The landscape finds its own characterization, as well as the people who make viticulture their main activity on which to base their future, their life. And it is precisely this dream that in 1910 led a group of producers to bet on Aldeno wine , deciding to join their efforts in t...

Welcome to Episode 1003 Steve Raye interviews Valentina Abbona of Cantine dei Marchesi di Barolo in this installment of Get US Market Ready With Italian Wine People on the Italian Wine Podcast. About today’s guest: Valentina Abbona, 6th generation at Cantine dei Marchesi di Barolo together with her brother Davide, lives a passionate and profound relationship with wine, which for her is emotion, feeling, history, terroir and - above all - home. Her experience begins in her family's cellars - a plunge to the heart every time she returns from long journeys - and it is here that the operativity of her daily work grows. After attending to the Liceo Scientifico in Alba, she moved to Milan where she attended the Bocconi University, where she graduated in Business and Economics. During these years, her personal and professional training grew constantly thanks to various school-exchange programs, which took her from Manchester to Hyderabad (India) and then to New York. Her highly "internati...

Welcome to episode 1002 in which host Polly Hammond interviews Marta Mendonça & Cristina Crava of the Porto Protocol Foundation, this week on Uncorked. In this episode, we are joined by the leadership team of the Porto Protocol, Marta Mendonca and Cristina Crava. As one of the oldest organizations combatting climate issues affecting wine, The Porto Protocol has taken a radical approach to collaboration, competition and certification. Today, we’ll talk about optimism in the face of crisis, sharing solutions for the greater good, and how The Porto Protocol convinced over a dozen wine producers and providers to share their story on video. Let’s get into it! The Porto Protocol Foundation is an international non-profit institution, founded by Taylor Fladgate Port, with hundreds of other members commitTed to make a greater contribution to mitigate climate change. More about today’s guests: Marta Mendonça: Marta has built most of her career in Marketing & Sales, having worked with va...

Welcome to episode 1001, another installment of 'On The Road Edition', hosted by Stevie Kim. Today she is in New York, interviewing Jane Brody, a pioneer in health and wellness journalism...listen in to them discuss her career and life after 58 years of groundbreaking work at the New York Times More about today’s guest: “In her inimitably straightforward, informative and intelligent manner, New York Times health columnist Brody (Jane Brody’s Good Food Book) gives pragmatic direction to a concerned yet reluctant readership in this essential travel guide for the journey toward the inevitable. In pointing out that there is a difference between sensibly learning to accept death and surrendering, she reminds us that our attitude about living colors our approach to death. Thoroughly outlining all attendant demands and details for facing one’s end, Brody provides facts and support for families and patients, and makes it appear entirely possible to “go with grace.” With bulleted lists...

Welcome to Episode 999 The Jumbo Shrimp Maps Series. Today we are going to talk about Map 20, talking about Chile. About the Series: We have specially created this free content for all our listeners who are studying for wine exams. Since Stevie Kim discovered Rosie Baker’s hand drawn maps on Instagram, our in house editorial and graphics team has been working on this project, and now the maps are available to purchase in Beta form, while they undergo the final proofing and editing by our Expert Advisory Board. It’s a 3 layered project, because we know everyone learns differently. We now offer the complete box set of 39 maps, this series of podcasts with the maps narrated by our crack team of wine educators, and finally the Study Guide Book which will be publish later this year. Our map project is in no way a substitute for the material set out by other educational organisations, but we hope all the Wine Students out there will find our map project a new, exciting and useful tool f...

Welcome to Episode 998 The Jumbo Shrimp Maps Series. Today we are going to talk about Map 19, talking about Argentina. About the Series: We have specially created this free content for all our listeners who are studying for wine exams. Since Stevie Kim discovered Rosie Baker’s hand drawn maps on Instagram, our in house editorial and graphics team has been working on this project, and now the maps are available to purchase in Beta form, while they undergo the final proofing and editing by our Expert Advisory Board. It’s a 3 layered project, because we know everyone learns differently. We now offer the complete box set of 39 maps, this series of podcasts with the maps narrated by our crack team of wine educators, and finally the Study Guide Book which will be publish later this year. Our map project is in no way a substitute for the material set out by other educational organisations, but we hope all the Wine Students out there will find our map project a new, exciting and useful to...

Welcome to Episode 997 in which Stevie Kim asks Professore Attilio Scienza another wine question, taken from the pool of questions posed by listeners all over Italy and beyond. Today’s question comes from! If you want to learn more about the Professore: The one who checks all the facts and regulates when we mistakenly type "Verdicchio" in place of "Vermentino.” Attilio Scienza is a full professor at the University of Milan in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences where he teaches courses on genetic improvements to the vine; he also teaches Viticulture in the Master’s program of the University of Turin in Asti. He has been the lead for many national research projects in the field of physiology, agricultural techniques, and vine genetics. As the author of over 350 publications on vine and viticulture in national and international journals, you can bet he knows his stuff! To find out more about Attilio Scienza visit: winenews....

Welcome to Episode 996; How content influences online and offline retail. Welcome to Wine2Wine Business Forum 2021 Series. The sessions are recorded and uploaded on Italian Wine Podcast. wine2wine is an international wine business forum, held annually in Verona Italy since 2014. The event is a key reference point for wine producers and a diverse variety of wine professionals eager to develop and grow their wine business worldwide. With increasing competition both online and offline in the wine retail space, it is important for retailers to differentiate and to find new ways to connect with their customers. This session will explore how content creation relates to developing brands, enhanced customer interactions and ultimately increased sales. The amount of consumer touchpoints has never been greater which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The session will look at the advantages of creating content, the different types of content that can be produced and the platforms that ca...

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